
Accepting Imperfection

That’s the theme for the 2024-25 Reflections Art Program, which has been bringing the arts to life for more than 10 million students since 1969. California State PTA and its members, families and kids are on the forefront of this amazing program, which increases community awareness of the importance of arts in education.

Reflections encourages students of all ages to:

Unleash creative talents and be inspired
Express themselves imaginatively in their artwork
Experience the fun and joy of making art
Tap into critical thinking skills to create art inspired by the annual theme
Receive positive recognition for their original works of art.  


Unit Leader Training: 

Recording in English | PowerPoint Slides

 Spanish PowerPoint Slides

Recording in Spanish (coming soon!)

Winners of the 2023-2024 Reflections program in our Third District PTA.

These winners will advance to the California State PTA competition.

Kicking Up a Storm

Give Up or Get Up

Beautiful Morning

The Moon Sky

A Future For Me

Stand By Me

False Reality

Swasti Raizada

Sign of Hope

Growing Strong

Bina Desta

Sanaya Gilra

Miles Lemmex

Sage Williams

Hannah Castro

Claire Hermione Castro

Chelsie Tom

Swasti Raizada

Amrit K.

Ellie Taniguchi

Olive Grove PTSA

Sutter Middle School PTA

Olive Grove PTSA

Aspire Capitol Heights Academy PTSA

Folsom High PTSA

Sutter Middle School PTA

Sutter Middle School PTA

Sutter Middle School PTA

Olive Grove PTSA

Genevieve Didion PTA

(Grades 3-5) 

(Grades 6-8)

(Pre-K-Grade 2) 

(Grades 3-5) 

(Grades 9-12) 

(Grades 6-8) 

(Grades 6-8) 

(Grades 6-8) 

(Grades 3-5) 

(Grades 6-8)

Kicking Up a Storm
Bina Desta

Literature - Literatura
My story is about a girl about my age struggling with soccer, and, with encouragement, keeps going anyways. Even though I believe Kicking Up a Storm is about perseverance, it incorporates the theme. She is hopeful, for her friend and brother will always be there for her. That is how my story, Kicking Up a Storm, relates to the theme. 

Give Up or Get Up
Sanaya Gilra

Film Production - Producción Cinematográfica
I believe that in life you have two choices, you can either give up or get up.  As humans, we will make mistakes, but failing is simply allowing us to grow.  We shouldn't allow these mistakes to get the best of us, but rather learn from them.  If we are to continue thriving, we must have hope.  Hope is like a flame, once it's lit the only thing that can blow it out is you.  YOU must have hope that you will be okay.  That is what hope means to me and that is why I am hopeful. 

Beautiful Morning
Miles Lemmex

Photography - Fotografía
I took it because it is beautiful.  I think it relates to the theme because I think God was happy when I took it, I think God was happy and when God is happy, I am hopeful. 

The Moon Sky
Sage Williams

Visual Arts - Artes Visuales
The Moon Sky is a painting I did.  I feel hopeful because when I look at my painting I feel happy to know we can express our feelings.

A Future For Me
Hannah Castro

Dance Choreography - Coreografía de baile
In this piece, I used a song by Loufey titled, "Letter to My 13-year-old self". In this song,  this character looks back at her younger self remembering all the little things she was afraid of, small annoyances, but just overall the insecurity and loneliness she felt as a teenager. Now, she is happy and contented with her life, however, the thought of her unsure self at thirteen makes her want to comfort the insecure adolescent and remind her to be hopeful because there is a brighter future. All anyone needs, is time since there will be brighter days. 

Stand By Me
Claire Hermione Castro

Dance Choreography - Coreografía de baile
My work relates to the theme because the song talks about as long as you have others believing in you, you can fight past any hardship.  This shows that hoping to get through stuff together, is a reason to be hopeful! 

False Reality
Chelsie Tom

Literature - Literatura
False Reality is a short poem about peoples struggle addressing their feelings and gives a different perspective of the world today.  I felt this entry could be a way to give the message that talking about our emotions can benefit us all, knowing we're not alone with our struggles, and a hope for people in the future to be able to explain their hardships. 

Swasti Raizada
Swasti Raizada

Photography - Fotografía
This picture inspires me to be hopeful in every situation.  The black clouds are the obstacles, blocking the dream of future.  But the rays of hope beam through them.  The sunlight rays are able to find the way to come out of the obstacles.  The Golden light, shows the dream of bright future.  The black objects show to look towards the bright future.  As the sunrays find a way to overcome the obstacles, we need to learn from them to keep our hopes high and in right direction, then we will achieve the golden future for coming generations.

Sign of Hope
Amrit K. 

Photography - Fotografía
I came across a heart shaped rock inside Merced River while enjoying a weekend in Yosemite. I realized love can be found everywhere. I am hopeful because love is all around me - in my family, with my friends, and in my community. We just have to look for the small signs that guide us. .

Growing Strong
Ellie Taniguchi

Visual Arts - Artes Visuales
Growing Strong is about a little sapling growing in the wrong place but it still survives with hope. This peace shows with hope you can achieve anything.

I am Hopeful Because...

That’s the theme for the 2023-24 Reflections Art Program, which has been bringing the arts to life for more than 10 million students since 1969. California State PTA and its members, families and kids are on the forefront of this amazing program, which increases community awareness of the importance of arts in education.

Reflections encourages students of all ages to:

Unleash creative talents and be inspired 
Express themselves imaginatively in their artwork
Experience the fun and joy of making art
Tap into critical thinking skills to create art inspired by the annual theme Receive positive recognition for their original works of art.

For more information, please contact Third District PTA Reflections Chair; Trinette Rawlins at 

Video of Instructions for Reflection Chairpersons.
How to create entry form to send to parents for submitting Reflections Entries: