Election Procedures

This web page supplies information and examples of how to run a PTA Election at an Association Meeting.

Video recording of Third District PTA officer elections at
Association Meeting on January 23, 2025.

Example of a Nominating Committee  Meeting Report

Third District PTA Nominating Committee Meeting date: December 9, 2024

Your Third District nomination committee is pleased to announce the current nominations for the  2025-26 term:


President: Denise Morgan
Secretary: Linda Valtman
Treasurer: Sheryl Longsworth
1ˢᵗ Vice President – Director of Leadership Services: Tom Nelson

2ⁿᵈ Vice President – Director of Communications: OPEN POSITION
3ʳᵈ Vice President – Director of Membership & Family Engagement: OPEN POSITION
4ᵗʰ Vice President – Director of Programs & Logistics: OPEN POSITION

Reported to Association on: January 23, 2025

Election Script.pdf

Example of an Election Script

“We will now conduct our elections.
Would the parliamentarian please read the sections of the bylaws pertaining to elections?”

  (The parliamentarian reads aloud the following sections of the unit bylaws:
Article V, Sections 1, 2, 4a, 4e, 5 to 8 and 11.)

“Will the chairman of the nominating committee please present the committee report?”

CHAIRMAN: (The chairman reads the prepared report that states the slate of nominees, the nominating committee members and the date of the report. The chairman’s part in the elections is concluded.)

PRESIDENT: “Thank you.” (The president then rereads the report of the nominating committee.)
“According to our bylaws, nominations from the floor are in order. For president, Denise Morgan is nominated.

Before asking for floor nominations for president, would Denise Morgan, as the nominated candidate for president by the nominating committee please state which PTA units you are a paid member of for this year, your background experience and how it relates to you serving in the position of president.

Denise Morgan:

PRESIDENT: “Thank you. If there are any floor nominations, I would ask that those being nominated to please state which PTA units you are a paid member of for this year, your background experience and how it relates to you serving in the position of president
  Are there further nominations from the floor?”

(Give a few moments for response.) “Seeing none, the nominations for president are closed.”

PRESIDENT: “Thank you.” For Treasurer, Sheryl Longsworth is nominated.

Before asking for floor nominations for treasurer, would Sheryl Longsworth, as the nominated candidate for treasurer by the nominating committee please state which PTA units you are a paid member of for this year, your background experience and how it relates to you serving in the position of treasurer.

Sheryl Longsworth:

PRESIDENT: “Thank you. If there are any floor nominations, I would ask that those being nominated to please state which PTA units you are a paid member of for this year and your background experience and how it relates to you serving in the position of treasurer.
  Are there further nominations from the floor?” (Give a few moments for response.) “Seeing none, the nominations for treasurer are closed.”

PRESIDENT: “Thank you.” For Secretary, Linda Valtman is nominated.
Before asking for floor nominations for secretary, would Linda Valtman, as the nominated candidate for secretary by the nominating committee please state which PTA units you are a paid member of for this year, your background experience and how it relates to you serving in the position of secretary.

Linda Valtman:

PRESIDENT: “Thank you. If there are any floor nominations, I would ask that those being nominated to please state which PTA units you are a paid member of for this year, your background experience and how it relates to you serving in the position of secretary.
  Are there further nominations from the floor?” (Give a few moments for response.) “Seeing none, the nominations for secretary are closed.”

PRESIDENT: “Thank you.” For VP Leadership, Tom Nelson is nominated.
Before asking for floor nominations for VP Leadership, would Tom Nelson, as the nominated candidate for VP Leadership by the nominating committee please state which PTA units you are a paid member of for this year, your background experience and how it relates to you serving in the position of VP Leadership.

Tom Nelson:

PRESIDENT: “Thank you. If there are any floor nominations, I would ask that those being nominated to please state which PTA units you are a paid member of for this year, your background experience and how it relates to you serving in the position of VP Leadership.
  Are there further nominations from the floor?” (Give a few moments for response.) “Seeing none, the nominations for VP Leadership are closed.”

PRESIDENT: (The president then reads the candidates and offices.) “As there are single candidates for each office (if there are), if there is no objection the candidates will be declared elected by acclamation. Is there any objection to this procedure?
  (If no one has called for a ballot vote, elections continue.)
  It is declared that the following officers:  
Denise Morgan as president, Sheryl Longsworth as treasurer, Linda Valtman as secretary, Tom Nelson as VP Leadership  are elected by acclamation.”

PRESIDENT: “Thank you.” There are 3 VP positions which the nominating committee did not have nominations ready 30 days in advance of this election meeting.

“According to our bylaws, nominations from the floor are in order. For VP Communications, if there are any floor nominations, I would ask that those being nominated to please state which PTA units you are a paid member of for this year and your background experience and how it relates to you serving in the position of VP Communications.

Are there nominations from the floor for VP Communications?

I recognize () having their hand raised to nominate for the position of VP Communications.

  Are there further nominations from the floor?” (Give a few moments for response.) “Seeing none, the nominations for VP Communications are closed.”

“According to our bylaws, nominations from the floor are in order. For VP Membership, if there are any floor nominations, I would ask that those being nominated to please state which PTA units you are a paid member of for this year and your background experience and how it relates to you serving in the position of VP Membership.

Are there nominations from the floor for VP Membership?

I recognize () having their hand raised to nominate for the position of VP Membership.

  Are there further nominations from the floor?” (Give a few moments for response.) “Seeing none, the nominations for VP Membership are closed.”

“According to our bylaws, nominations from the floor are in order. For VP Programs, if there are any floor nominations, I would ask that those being nominated to please state which PTA units you are a paid member of for this year and your background experience and how it relates to you serving in the position of VP Programs.

Are there nominations from the floor for VP Programs?

I recognize () having their hand raised to nominate for the position of VP Programs.

  Are there further nominations from the floor?” (Give a few moments for response.) “Seeing none, the nominations for VP Membership are closed.”

PRESIDENT: (The president then reads the candidates and offices.) “As there are single candidates for each office (if there are), if there is no objection the candidates will be declared elected by acclamation. Is there any objection to this procedure?
  (If no one has called for a ballot vote, elections continue.)
  It is declared that the following officers:  
Alicia Astran as VP Communications, Dr. Raul Rodriguez as VP Membership, Trinette Rawlins as VP Programs  are elected by acclamation.